Actron Entities, Inc is proud to announce the rollout of our new website. After 10 years with the old design, we decided it was time to present a fresher, more modern approach that was also mobile friendly. The results are here to see, where visitors can learn more about our company, its people, its capabilities, and the quality products that are shipped from our dock every day. Please check back often as one of the enhancements is the ability to be constantly changing and updating the content to keep our customers and visitors up to date on the latest news and capabilities that we have to offer. Another feature that is on this site is the ability to flow down quality requirements and terms and conditions to our suppliers. We also provide our customers access to copies of our quality certifications and government registrations in PDF format so that updated copies can be downloaded if required.
Thank you for visiting the new and improved Actron website. We always welcome suggestions for content and comments regarding the presentation of information.
Best regards,
Doug Hermann